Module: Functional::Memo

Defined in:



Memoized method calls are thread safe and can safely be used in concurrent systems. Declaring memoization on a function is not thread safe and should only be done during application initialization.

Memoization is a technique for optimizing functions that are time-consuming and/or involve expensive calculations. Every time a memoized function is called the result is caches with reference to the given parameters. Subsequent calls to the function that use the same parameters will return the cached result. As a result the response time for frequently called functions is vastly increased (after the first call with any given set of) arguments, at the cost of increased memory usage (the cache).



Many computational operations take a significant amount of time and/or use an inordinate amount of resources. If subsequent calls to that function with the same parameters are guaranteed to return the same result, caching the result can lead to significant performance improvements. The process of caching such calls is called memoization.


Using memoization requires two simple steps: including the Functional::Memo module within a class or module and calling the memoize function to enable memoization on one or more methods.

   Module EvenNumbers
     include Functional::Memoize

       (2..n).select{|i| i % 2 == 0 }

     memoize :first

When a function is memoized an internal cache is created that maps arguments to return values. When the function is called the arguments are checked against the cache. If the args are found the method is not called and the cached result is returned instead.


Memoizing long-running methods can lead to significant performance advantages. But there is a trade-off. Memoization may greatly increase the memory footprint of the application. The memo cache itself takes memory. The more arg/result pairs stored in the cache, the more memory is consumed.

Cache Size Options

To help control the size of the cache, a limit can be placed on the number of items retained in the cache. The :at_most option, when given, indicates the maximum size of the cache. Once the maximum cache size is reached, calls to to the method with uncached args will still result in the method being called, but the results will not be cached.

   Module EvenNumbers
     include Functional::Memoize

       (2..n).select{|i| i % 2 == 0 }

     memoize :first, at_most: 1000

There is no way to predict in advance what the proper cache size is, or if it should be restricted at all. Only performance testing under realistic conditions or profiling of a running system can provide guidance.


Not all methods are good candidates for memoization.Only methods that are idempotent, referentially transparent, and free of side effects can be effectively memoized. If a method creates side effects, such as writing to a log, only the first call to the method will create those side effects. Subsequent calls will return the cached value without calling the method.

Similarly, methods which change internal state will only update the state on the initial call. Later calls will not result in state changes, they will only return the original result. Subsequently, instance methods cannot be memoized. Objects are, by definition, stateful. Method calls exist for the purpose of changing or using the internal state of the object. Such methods cannot be effectively memoized; it would require the internal state of the object to be cached and checked as well.

Block parameters pose a similar problem. Block parameters are inherently stateful (they are closures which capture the enclosing context). And there is no way to check the state of the block along with the args to determine if the cached value should be used. Subsequently, and method call which includes a block will result in the cache being completely skipped. The base method will be called and the result will not be cached. This behavior will occur even when the given method was not programmed to accept a block parameter. Ruby will capture any block passed to any method and make it available to the method even when not documented as a formal parameter or used in the method. This has the interesting side effect of allowing the memo cache to be skipped on any method call, simply be passing a block parameter.

   EvenNumbers.first(100)         causes the result to be cached
   EvenNumbers.first(100)         retrieves the previous result from the cache
   EvenNumbers.first(100){ nil }  skips the memo cache and calls the method again

Complete Example

The following example is borrowed from the book Functional Thinking by Neal Ford. In his book he shows an example of memoization in Groovy by summing factors of a given number. This is a great example because it exhibits all the criteria that make a method a good memoization candidate:

  • Idempotence
  • Referential transparency
  • Stateless
  • Free of side effect
  • Computationally expensive (for large numbers)

The following code implements Ford's algorithms in Ruby, then memoizes two key methods. The Ruby code:

   require 'functional'

   class Factors
     include Functional::Memo

     def self.sum_of(number)

     def self.of(number)
       (1..number).select {|i| factor?(number, i)}

     def self.factor?(number, potential)
       number % potential == 0

     def self.perfect?(number)
       sum_of(number) == 2 * number

     def self.abundant?(number)
       sum_of(number) > 2 * number

     def self.deficient?(number)
       sum_of(number) < 2 * number


This code was tested in IRB using MRI 2.1.2 on a MacBook Pro. The sum_of method was called three times against the number 10,000,000 and the benchmark results of each run were captured. The test code:

   require 'benchmark'

   3.times do
     stats = Benchmark.measure do
     puts stats

The results of the benchmarking are very revealing. The first run took over a second to calculate the results. The two subsequent runs, which retrieved the previous result from the memo cache, were nearly instantaneous:

   1.080000   0.000000   1.080000 (  1.077524)
   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000033)
   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000008)

The same code run on the same computer using JRuby 1.7.12 exhibited similar results:

   1.800000   0.030000   1.830000 (  1.494000)
   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000000)
   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000000)
