Module: Functional::PatternMatching

Defined in:


As much as I love Ruby I've always been a little disappointed that Ruby doesn't support function overloading. Function overloading tends to reduce branching and keep function signatures simpler. No sweat, I learned to do without. Then I started programming in Erlang. My favorite Erlang feature is, without question, pattern matching. Pattern matching is like function overloading cranked to 11. So one day I was musing on Twitter that I'd like to see Erlang-stype pattern matching in Ruby and one of my friends responded "Build it!" So I did. And here it is.


  • Pattern matching for instance methods.
  • Pattern matching for object constructors.
  • Parameter count matching
  • Matching against primitive values
  • Matching by class/datatype
  • Matching against specific key/vaue pairs in hashes
  • Matching against the presence of keys within hashes
  • Implicit hash for last parameter
  • Variable-length parameter lists
  • Guard clauses
  • Recursive calls to other pattern matches
  • Recursive calls to superclass pattern matches
  • Recursive calls to superclass methods
  • Dispatching to superclass methods when no match is found
  • Reasonable error messages when no match is found


First, familiarize yourself with Erlang pattern matching. This gem may not make much sense if you don't understand how Erlang dispatches functions.

In the Ruby class file where you want to use pattern matching, require the functional-ruby gem:

   require 'functional'

Then include Functional::PatternMatching in your class:

   require 'functional'

   class Foo
     include Functional::PatternMatching



You can then define functions with defn instead of the normal def statement. The syntax for defn is:

   defn(:symbol_name_of_function, zero, or, more, parameters) { |block, arguments|
      code to execute

You can then call your new function just like any other:

   require 'functional/pattern_matching'

   class Foo
     include Functional::PatternMatching

     defn(:hello) {
       puts "Hello, World!"

   foo =
   foo.hello => "Hello, World!"

Patterns to match against are included in the parameter list:

   defn(:greet, :male) {
     puts "Hello, sir!"

   defn(:greet, :female) {
     puts "Hello, ma'am!"


   foo.greet(:male)   => "Hello, sir!"
   foo.greet(:female) => "Hello, ma'am!"

If a particular method call can not be matched a NoMethodError is thrown with a reasonably helpful error message:

   foo.greet(:unknown) => NoMethodError: no method `greet` matching [:unknown] found for class Foo
   foo.greet           => NoMethodError: no method `greet` matching [] found for class Foo

Parameters that are expected to exist but that can take any value are considered unbound parameters. Unbound parameters are specified by the _ underscore character or UNBOUND:

   defn(:greet, _) do |name|
     "Hello, {name}!"

   defn(:greet, UNBOUND, UNBOUND) do |first, last|
     "Hello, {first} {last}!"


   foo.greet('Jerry') => "Hello, Jerry!"

All unbound parameters will be passed to the block in the order they are specified in the definition:

   defn(:greet, _, _) do |first, last|
     "Hello, {first} {last}!"


   foo.greet('Jerry', "D'Antonio") => "Hello, Jerry D'Antonio!"

If for some reason you don't care about one or more unbound parameters within the block you can use the _ underscore character in the block parameters list as well:

   defn(:greet, _, _, _) do |first, _, last|
     "Hello, {first} {last}!"


   foo.greet('Jerry', "I'm not going to tell you my middle name!", "D'Antonio") => "Hello, Jerry D'Antonio!"

Hash parameters can match against specific keys and either bound or unbound parameters. This allows for function dispatch by hash parameters without having to dig through the hash:

   defn(:hashable, {foo: :bar}) { |opts|
   defn(:hashable, {foo: _}) { |f|


   foo.hashable({foo: :bar})      => :foo_bar
   foo.hashable({foo: :baz})      => :baz

The Ruby idiom of the final parameter being a hash is also supported:

   defn(:options, _) { |opts|


   foo.options(bar: :baz, one: 1, many: 2)

As is the Ruby idiom of variable-length argument lists. The constant ALL as the last parameter will match one or more arguments and pass them to the block as an array:

   defn(:baz, Integer, ALL) { |int, args|
     [int, args]
   defn(:baz, ALL) { |args|

Superclass polymorphism is supported as well. If an object cannot match a method signature it will defer to the parent class:

   class Bar
     def greet
       return 'Hello, World!'

   class Foo < Bar
     include Functional::PatternMatching

     defn(:greet, _) do |name|
       "Hello, {name}!"


   foo.greet('Jerry') => "Hello, Jerry!"
   foo.greet          => "Hello, World!"

Guard clauses in Erlang are defined with when clauses between the parameter list and the function body. In Ruby, guard clauses are defined by chaining a call to when onto the the defn call and passing a block. If the guard clause evaluates to true then the function will match. If the guard evaluates to false the function will not match and pattern matching will continue:


   old_enough(X) when X >= 16 -> true;
   old_enough(_) -> false.


   defn(:old_enough, _){ |_| true }.when{|x| x >= 16 }
   defn(:old_enough, _){ |_| false }
Order Matters

As with Erlang, the order of pattern matches is significant. Patterns will be matched in the order declared and the first match will be used. If a particular function call can be matched by more than one pattern, the first matched pattern will be used. It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure patterns are declared in the correct order.

Blocks and Procs and Lambdas, oh my!

When using this gem it is critical to remember that defn takes a block and that blocks in Ruby have special rules. There are plenty of good tutorials on the web explaining blocks and Procs and lambdas in Ruby. Please read them. Please don't submit a bug report if you use a return statement within your defn and your code blows up with a LocalJumpError.


For more examples see the integration tests in spec/integration_spec.rb.

Simple Functions

This example is based on Syntax in defnctions: Pattern Matching in Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!.


   greet(male, Name) ->
     io:format("Hello, Mr. ~s!", [Name]);
   greet(female, Name) ->
     io:format("Hello, Mrs. ~s!", [Name]);
   greet(_, Name) ->
     io:format("Hello, ~s!", [Name]).


   require 'functional/pattern_matching'

   class Foo
     include Functional::PatternMatching

     defn(:greet, _) do |name|
       "Hello, {name}!"

     defn(:greet, :male, _) { |name|
       "Hello, Mr. {name}!"
     defn(:greet, :female, _) { |name|
       "Hello, Ms. {name}!"
     defn(:greet, _, _) { |_, name|
       "Hello, {name}!"
Simple Functions with Overloading

This example is based on Syntax in defnctions: Pattern Matching in Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!.


   greet(Name) ->
     io:format("Hello, ~s!", [Name]).

   greet(male, Name) ->
     io:format("Hello, Mr. ~s!", [Name]);
   greet(female, Name) ->
     io:format("Hello, Mrs. ~s!", [Name]);
   greet(_, Name) ->
     io:format("Hello, ~s!", [Name]).


   require 'functional/pattern_matching'

   class Foo
     include Functional::PatternMatching

     defn(:greet, _) do |name|
       "Hello, {name}!"

     defn(:greet, :male, _) { |name|
       "Hello, Mr. {name}!"
     defn(:greet, :female, _) { |name|
       "Hello, Ms. {name}!"
     defn(:greet, nil, _) { |name|
       "Goodbye, {name}!"
     defn(:greet, _, _) { |_, name|
       "Hello, {name}!"
Constructor Overloading
   require 'functional/pattern_matching'

   class Foo
     include Functional::PatternMatching

     defn(:initialize) { @name = 'baz' }
     defn(:initialize, _) {|name| @name = name.to_s }
Matching by Class/Datatype
   require 'functional/pattern_matching'

   class Foo
     include Functional::PatternMatching

     defn(:concat, Integer, Integer) { |first, second|
       first + second
     defn(:concat, Integer, String) { |first, second|
       "{first} {second}"
     defn(:concat, String, String) { |first, second|
       first + second
     defn(:concat, Integer, _) { |first, second|
       first + second.to_i
Matching a Hash Parameter
   require 'functional/pattern_matching'

   class Foo
     include Functional::PatternMatching

     defn(:hashable, {foo: :bar}) { |opts|
        matches any hash with key :foo and value :bar
     defn(:hashable, {foo: _, bar: _}) { |f, b|
        matches any hash with keys :foo and :bar
        passes the values associated with those keys to the block
       [f, b]
     defn(:hashable, {foo: _}) { |f|
        matches any hash with key :foo
        passes the value associated with that key to the block
        must appear AFTER the prior match or it will override that one
     defn(:hashable, {}) { |_|
        matches an empty hash
     defn(:hashable, _) { |opts|
        matches any hash (or any other value)


   foo.hashable({foo: :bar})      => :foo_bar
   foo.hashable({foo: :baz})      => :baz
   foo.hashable({foo: 1, bar: 2}) => [1, 2]
   foo.hashable({foo: 1, baz: 2}) => 1
   foo.hashable({bar: :baz})      => {bar: :baz}
   foo.hashable({})               => :empty
Variable Length Argument Lists with ALL
   defn(:all, :one, ALL) { |args|
   defn(:all, :one, Integer, ALL) { |int, args|
     [int, args]
   defn(:all, 1, _, ALL) { |var, _, *args|
     [var, args]
   defn(:all, ALL) { |*args|


   foo.all(:one, 'a', 'bee', :see) => ['a', 'bee', :see]
   foo.all(:one, 1, 'bee', :see)   => [1, 'bee', :see]
   foo.all(1, 'a', 'bee', :see)    => ['a', ['bee', :see]]
   foo.all('a', 'bee', :see)       => ['a', 'bee', :see]
   foo.all()                       => NoMethodError: no method `all` matching [] found for class Foo
Guard Clauses

These examples are based on Syntax in defnctions: Pattern Matching in Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!.


   old_enough(X) when X >= 16 -> true;
   old_enough(_) -> false.

   right_age(X) when X >= 16, X =< 104 ->
   right_age(_) ->

   wrong_age(X) when X < 16; X > 104 ->
   wrong_age(_) ->
   defn(:old_enough, _){ |_| true }.when{|x| x >= 16 }
   defn(:old_enough, _){ |_| false }

   defn(:right_age, _) { |_|
   }.when{|x| x >= 16 && x <= 104 }

   defn(:right_age, _) { |_|

   defn(:wrong_age, _) { |_|
   }.when{|x| x < 16 || x > 104 }

   defn(:wrong_age, _) { |_|


Pattern matching has its roots in logic programming languages such as Prolog. Pattern matching is a core feature of the Erlang programming language. A few helpful resources are:

Constant Summary