For fun I decided to track the books I read in 2014. I was curious to to see what one year of reading would look like. It’s not as long a list as I hoped it would be. I’m also surprised at the number of programming/technology books I only read part of. I’ll have to work on those two things in 2015…
- Backbone Tutorials, Thomas Davis
- Functional Thinking: Paradigm Over Syntax, Neal Ford
- Introducing Erlang: Getting Started in Functional Programming, Simon St. Laurent
- Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scales, Jim R. Wilson
- Assault or Attrition, Blake Northcott
- Attack the Geek: A Ree Reyes Side-Quest, Michael R. Underwood
- Celebromancy, Michael R. Underwood
- Creeping Death, Rosamilia
- Divergent, Veronica Roth
- Geekomancy, Michael R. Underwood
- Hemlock Grove: A Novel, Brian McGreevy
- Legacy, Blake Northcott
- The Mantocore Ascension, Blake Northcott
- Phantasm, Phaedra Weldon
- The Artist’s Tao- 44 Principles for an Artist’s Life, Sean Starr
- The Coffeehouse Investor: How to Build Wealth, Ignore Wall Street, and Get On with Your Life, Bill Schultheis
- The Communifist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
- Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics, Henry Hazlitt
- Feminism and Pop Culture: Seal Studies, Andi Zeisler
- Libertarianism: What Everyone Needs to Know, Jason Brennan
- Modern Feminist Theory: An Introduction, Jennifer Rich
- Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, Gail Dines
Honorable Mention
These are books that I started but either never finished or simply haven’t finished yet.
- Making Sense of NoSQL: A guide for managers and the rest of us, Dan McCreary and Ann Kelly
- Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell: Techniques for Multicore and Multithreaded Programming, Simon Marlow
- Programming Erlang, Joe Armstrong
- Programing in Haskell, Graham Hutton
- PureScript by Example, Phil Freeman
- Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software, Michael T. Nygard
Ruby Under a Microscope: An Illustrated Guide to Ruby Internals, Pat Shaughnessy
- 7 Secrets of the Eucharist, Vinny Flynn
- The Book of Five Rings, Miyamoto Musashi
- Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies and the Truth About Reality, Brad Warner
- The Liberal War on Transparency: Confessions of a Freedom of Information ‘Criminal’, Christopher C. Horner
- The Responsive City: Engaging Communities Through Data-Smart Governance, Stephen Goldsmith and Susan Crawford
- Storytelling in Organizations, Laurence Prusak, Katalina Groh, Stephen Denning, John Seely Brown
- Transforming Parish Communications: Growing the Church Through New Media, Scot Landry